Foundation soil stabilization
The business areas of slope and subsoil stabilization have a long tradition in our company.

Earth work services
Due to the size of the areas to be worked, extensive earthmoving must be carried out as part of the redesign of tipping areas and residual holes. For this purpose, the large-scale equipment available in the former mining areas is used, without which it would hardly be possible to work the residual holes and dump areas that have been created.

Working with modern earthworks technology
In addition to the large equipment, we also use mobile earthmoving technology. Especially for the backfilling of dams, roadways and industrial tailings ponds, the transport of earth masses is carried out by means of mobile equipment. Further applications are the stabilization of the subsoil for large-scale equipment as well as tailor-made earthworks for the creation of agriculturally usable areas. Since 1996, SGL has moved more than 110 million m³ of earth.

Foundation stabilization
Mining dumps and residual mining holes are the most obvious consequences of open-pit mining operations. However, the restoration of these areas is fraught with a number of problems, the solution of which requires detailed expert knowledge of the geological structure of the subsoil.
Backfilling with the common sands mainly found in Lusatia results in loose geological structures that tend to liquefy when the groundwater level, which had previously been lowered, rises again. The consequence of this loss of strength is large-scale landslides in which the sand-water mixture flows into the mining pit lakes.

The fitting construction method
In order to eliminatehazards, vulnerable embankments must bestabilised as partof remediation measures, using differentcompaction methods:
- Vibration pressure compression (RDV)
- Vibration plugcompaction (RSV)
- dynamic intensivecompaction

Experience and safety
Safety is the main objective when rehabilitating mining dumps and embankments. Continuous monitoring of stabilization measuresis therefore urgentlyneeded. Accompanying soil mechanical investigationssuch as ramming, pressure and combinationprobing as wellas pore waterpressure and oscillationvelocity measurements are suitable methodsfor checking theartificially produced stability.
Our many years ofexperience in therehabilitation of former mining areasenables us tocarry out complexstabilization measures outside of miningrehabilitation.

Experience from mining recultivation
Our company has a long tradition of ground stabilization and stabilization. Originating from the remediation of old opencast mines, we also offer these services and experience outside of mining remediation. In addition to restoring the ecological balance and creating an environment worth living in, the elimination of potential hazards plays a major role in the remediation of open-cast mining pits and areas formerly used for mining.